(English) Mastering Solvency Test under CA2016 by Mah Li Chen (MAICSA Chartered Secretary)
Total Duration of Training: 4 hours 21 minutes
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Everything you need to know about Mastering Solvency Test under CA2016
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StartTraining Content
StartThe Law (1:44)
StartSolvency Test - S112 (10:46)
StartOffences - Solvency Statement (2:10)
StartSolvency Statement - S113 (3:12)
StartDirectors' Opinion (2:56)
StartForm of Solvency Statement - S113 (10:17)
PreviewAlternative Procedures for the Reduction of Capital (2:16)
PreviewReduction of Capital by Court - S116 (8:30)
PreviewReduction of Capital by Private or Public Company (5:26)
PreviewProcedure to Pass Special Resolution for the Reduction of Capital for Private and Public Company - S117 (8:57)
StartGeneral Penalty Under S588 (1:11)
StartPenalty for Concealment or Misrepresentation Etc. - S116(12) (2:12)
StartCreditor's Right to Object to Reduction of Capital - S118 (3:37)
StartPosition at the End of Period for Objection by Creditor - S119(If no application) (2:06)
StartPosition at the End of Period for Objection by Creditor - S119(If got application) (2:45)
StartWhat are the Power of the Court (4:11)
StartPower of Court in Relation to Objection by Creditor - S120 (2:53)
StartOffence for Making Groundless or False Statements - S121 (1:39)
StartLiability of Members on Reduced Shares - S122 (3:01)
StartNo Financial Assistance to Purchase its Own Shares - S123 (5:34)
StartConsequences of Failing to Comply with Subdivision 5 (0:57)
StartGeneral Exceptions to FA - S125 (2:50)
StartFinancial Assistance not Exceeding 10% of Shareholders’ Funds - S126 (1:32)
StartCondition for Giving Financial Assistance - S126 (7:50)
StartProcedure Post Giving of FA - S126 (2:42)
StartOffences Financial Assistance - S126 (1:27)
StartPolicies Relating to Share Buyback - S127 (6:09)
StartRedemption of Preference Shares - S72 (10:39)
StartMind Map - Practical Guide to Mastering Solvency Test under the NEW Companies Act 2016 (5:58)
StartLIVE QNA - Simon Low - Must the Board of Director Tender his Resignation and NOT to sign Solvency Statement for Director whom DISagree with the Decision of BOD in order to proceed with the statement? (1:02)
StartLIVE QNA - Simon Low - Must Cash Flow Statement be Complied together with Balance Sheet Solvency? (0:41)
StartLIVE QNA - Lee - Do we still have to forward a copy of Solvency Statement to Bursa for Share Buyback in PLC? (0:50)
StartLIVE QNA - Siew Guak - Do we need to submit Solvency Statement to SSM and Bursa for Share Buyback In addition, who should sign at the column above the Lodger Info? (0:18)
StartLIVE QNA - Simon Low - Why SSM does not demand Cash Flow Statement for Sec. 113 Form? (0:31)
StartLIVE QNA - Nora Hasiffa - Is S72 Preference Share Solvency Statement only required for Redemption Out of Capital S72(6). Is it required if out of profit? (0:24)
StartLIVE QNA - KY - Can we Amend the Solvency Statement to add more than 2 Signatures to Sign when more than 2 Directors? (1:44)
StartLIVE QNA - Simon Low - Did CLRC mention Distribution of Profits(Dividend)? (0:32)
StartLIVE QNA - Tan - Can we use the Dividend declared to Offset agsinst Amount Owed by Shareholders-Cum-Directors instead of Paying out in Cash? (0:16)
StartLIVE QNA - Simon Low - If a company has Preference Shares after 31 Jan wants to use Old Share Premium to Redeem Preference Shares, is this allowed under Sec 618(3)? (0:28)
StartLIVE QNA - Mah - Can a company pays Dividend if it has current Profit but there is Accumulated Loss before? (0:44)
StartTraining Content
StartProcedure Post Giving of FA - S126 (2:42)
StartSolvency Test - Mindmap (1:36)
StartIntroduction of Mindmap (1:48)
StartFinancial Assistance & Share Buyback - Mindmap (1:29)
StartS113 - Solvency Statement + S114 - Offences Mindmap (1:05)
StartFinancial Assistance - Mindmap (9:57)
StartLive QNA - Andrew - When is Solvency Test Applicable (0:45)
StartS117 - Procedure to Pass Special Resolution for Reduction of Capital for Private and Public Company & General Penalty under S588 - Mindmap (4:09)
StartS119 - Position at end of Period for Objection by Creditor - Mindmap (2:16)
StartS120 - Power of Court in relation to Objection by Creditor - Mindmap (4:47)
StartS121 - Offence for Making Groundless or False Statement - Mindmap (1:07)
StartS122 - Liability of Members on Reduced Shares - Mindmap (1:01)
StartS123 - No Financial Assiatance to Purchase its Own SHares - Mindmap (1:51)
StartConsequences of Failing to Comply with Subdivision 5 & S125 - General Exceptions to Financial Assistance - Mindmap (2:51)
StartS126 - Financial Assistance NOT exceeding 10% of Shareholders' Funds - Mindmap (4:56)
StartRequirements for Share Buyback - Mindmap (4:29)
StartDealing with Buyback Shares - Mindmap (3:51)
StartProcedure to Post Buyback - Mindmap (0:33)
StartS131 - Payment of Dividends - Mindmap (0:41)
StartS132 - Dividends - Procedure - Mindmap (2:06)
StartS132 - Penalty for Improper Payout of Dividends - Mindmap (1:10)
StartRedemption of Preference Shares - Mindmap (2:50)
StartObjective for Quantitative Test - Mindmap (1:01)
StartVarious Questions on Solvency Statement and S58(1) that has Written to SSM - Mindmap (2:10)
StartPromotion of Webinar (4:59)
StartLive QNA - Jennifer - Can a Company do Redemption via Combination of Profits, Fresh Issue of Shares or Capital of the Company (0:32)
StartLive QNA - Jennifer - Does the Company State the Amount of Preference Shares per its Share Capital Account or Take its Number of Preference Shares Issued x Total Issued Price (1:46)
StartLive QNA - Jennifer - Must the Allotment of Fully Paid Bonus Shares to Members Approved by the Members Prior to Commencement of S74 (1:10)
StartLive QNA - Simon Low - Did they mention the newspapers need how many Days and how Long as well as the Size of Advertisement, Any Sample for the Content of Advertisement (0:47)
StartLive QNA - Jacy - Any Sample for Solvency Test Template (0:40)
StartLive QNA - Chan - Current Profits or Accumulated Profits for Dividends Paid out of Profits (0:51)
StartLive QNA - Jacy - Does Solvency Test still needed to be carried out to Support the Resolution Passed as Supporting Documents since it is not required to be Submitted to SSM at the moment (1:32)
StartLive QNA - Simon - Is there any Interpretation on the word 'Realisable Value' guide as it is too Subjective and Risky to Provide Judgement Figures in the Solvency Statement (0:50)
StartLive QNA - Chan - Does the Solvency Statement and Notice of Resolution lodge to SSM (0:40)
StartLive QNA - Tan - Suggestion of Preparing Solvency Test as Additional Supporting Documents (2:43)
StartLive QNA - Jacy - Who is in charged of Preparing Solvency Test (1:02)
StartLive QNA - GSS - Any Sample for Solvency Test (4:27)
StartLive QNA - GSS - Can Solvency Test be Carried Out via Writing (0:42)
StartLive QNA - Liza - Do we have New Share Capital if Redeemable Preference Share is Redeemed (1:51)
StartLive QNA - Jessie K - What is the Difference between Redemption out of Profits and Redemption Out of Capital (3:01)
StartLive QNA - Teo Gim Suan - Where should the figures Required to be filled up in Solvency Statement for Dividends Declared and Paid on 31.03.2017 (2:35)
StartLive QNA - Diane - Do we Compute Solvency Test based on Management Account for a Company that does Not Own any Property as at 31.03.2017 (2:31)
StartLive QNA - Teo Gim Suan - How are we going to Carry Out the Solvency Test for Dividend Payment as at 31.03.2017 in this case (2:35)
StartLive QNA - Diane - Do we need 31.03.2017's Accounts to Declare Dividend as at 31.03.2017 for Teo's question (1:57)
StartTraining Content
StartQNA - Dividend and Solvency Test - Question 1 (2:03)
StartQNA - Dividend and Solvency Test - Question 2 (3:40)
StartLIVE QNA - Teo - As practitioner, how are we going to support dividend payment Shall we Prepare a Letter Signed by Directors informing us that the Company is Solvent before paying any dividend? (3:13)
StartLIVE QNA - Mah - Do we need to Prepare the Solvency Statement when we Declare a Dividend and Get the Directors to Sign? (0:52)
StartLIVE QNA - Teo - Is it a Requirement to Withdraw Preference Shares from a Company and they can still keep the Preference Shares? (1:03)
StartLIVE QNA - Jennifer - How does a company completes its Annual Return for Section B (5:02)
StartLIVE QNA - Chi Yew Fong - In Solvency Statement is Required for Holding Company to provide Financial Assisatance to its Subsidiary? (3:51)
StartLIVE QNA - Chi Yew Fong - If a Company is owned by individual and having financial difficulties,is the Company's Directors and Members needed to issue Solvency Statement? (6:10)
StartLIVE QNA - Carina Chang - Is Solvency Test Required when we Redeem RPS Out of Profits? (1:10)
StartLIVE QNA - Yoong - Can we Borrow Loan from Bank and Pay Back Shareholders? (2:16)
StartLIVE QNA - Angelina - Do we Still have to File with SSM before Carrying Out Share Buyback since it Lasts for 6 months for the Declaration of Solvency of Share BuyBack? (0:51)
StartLIVE QNA - Ho - Is it a requirement to do Solvency Test for every Dividend Declaration even it is only RM10k? (1:10)
StartLIVE QNA - Simon Low - Is there any guides on the basis of ascertaining Realisable Value deemed Adequate Is Historical Value deemed Sufficient? (2:34)
StartLIVE QNA - Soo - Is it Easier to do a Balance Sheet Solvency than Cash Flow Solvency Is it Enough just to do Balance Sheet Test for Directors to Declare Dividend? (3:42)
StartLIVE QNA - Carina Chang - Why is it only Redemption out of Capital is Subjected to all Directors that have made Solvency Statement under Section 72(6)? (2:55)
StartLIVE QNA - Simon Low - Is it only Redemption of Preference Shares via Out of Capital needed to comply with Solvency Test? (1:48)
StartLIVE QNA - Carine Chong - Why we need to do Solvency Test for Redemption Out of Profits if it is only required for Redemption Made Out of Capital? (2:52)
StartLIVE QNA - Simon Low - Is the Filing date of Passing the Special Resolution&Not the date of Submitting the Notification to SSM or IRB nor Advertising in newspaper Within 14 days? (0:42)
StartLIVE QNA - Karen C - Is Solvency Test required to be Carried Out when we do Solvency Statement? (2:52)
StartLIVE QNA - Simon Low - What does Capital Maintenance Rule deemed Comply with Hence, any Requirement for Solvency Test? (1:14)
StartLIVE QNA - Carine Chong - Would appreciate if Ms. Mah Li Chen can bring this to SSM for further Analysis? (0:54)
StartSpecial Credit (2:09)
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