(English) What Are Preference Shares? by Mr Johari Low
Total Training Duration: 3 hours and 35 minutes
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Suitable for
financial planners, company secretaries, accountants, lawyers, bankers, investment analysts, finance students and preference shares sales agents who wish to learn about preference shares
Preference shares can be used as a financial instrument or investment tool for investors. They can also be used as fundraising tool for companies.
Preference shares as a unique financial tool are often misunderstood. This online seminar is aimed at clarifying the nature of this instrument, dispelling misinformation about it, the features and purpose of issue, the relevant law, and related risks for issuers and investors.
- What are preference shares?
- Essentials of preference shares you need to know
- Types of preference shares
- Cumulative/Non-Cumulative
- Participating/Non-
Participating - Redeemable/Irredeemable/
Perpetual - Convertible/Unconvertible
- Adjustable Rate Preference Shares.
- Why do companies issue? How to issue? When to issue?
- Relevant law regarding preference shares
- How to redeem preference shares during maturity or early redemption
- What happens when there is a default on preference share dividend or repayment?
- Accounting & tax treatment
- 2% dividend tax in Budget 2025 in relation to preference shares
- True nature of preference shares
- Q & A Session
Your Instructor
Johari Low is a Fellow CPA and Chartered Accountant double award winner and member of Mensa International.
He has been involved in the corporate world for over 40 years, initially as auditor and then as executive director of the AmBank Group, group managing director of Berjaya Group, CEO of KFC Malaysia and deputy chairman of Anglo Eastern Plantations PLC.
He was involved with Prudential Malaysia as director from 1989 to 1992 and was the co-founder of BHLB Pacific Management Trust (now part of CIMB), which became one of the largest unit trust companies in the country.
He is currently the Chairman of the Rockwills International Group, an independent director of Malpac Holdings Berhad and adviser to the Amcorp Group.
He has been an active community worker in the past, having served in the council of MICPA (Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants), MIA (Malaysian Institute of Accountants), FPLC (Federation of Public Listed Companies), MICG (Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance), Lions Club Host and Red Crescent as well as member of the La Salle PJ School board of governors. He has also been the recipient of the Young CPA award in 1989, Selangor Club Snooker Champion from 1988 to 1993 and composer of the ‘Smile’ song sponsored by Malayan Banking, TDC and RTM in the 90s.
Course Curriculum
StartPresentation Slides and Reading Materials
StartNature & characteristics (69:10)
StartStrategic objectives of issuing & Consideration for issuers (35:39)
StartLegal aspects & implications (42:39)
PreviewAccounting & tax treatment (14:32)
StartRelated risks & Matters to consider for investors (33:22)
StartQ&A session (19:26)
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