(English) Mastering the Intricacies of Conducting Meeting of Members & Passing of Members’ Written Resolutions under CA2016 by Mah Li Chen (MAICSA Chartered Secretary)
Total Duration of Training: 5 hours 4 minutes
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Meeting of members is an integral forum for company to engage with members and vice versa for members to exercise their rights and be heard. Therefore, it is essential that Directors and Company Secretaries are well-equipped and kept abreast of the new laws, regulations, practices and intricacies necessary and required in ensuring that the conduct of meeting of members are carried out in compliance with the Companies Act 2016 and subsidiary legislations, the law of meetings, company’s own Constitution, and if listed, the Listing Requirements.
On the other hand, private company may pass written resolution instead of meeting of members for more effective, efficient, cheaper, simpler and speedier alternative decision-making by members.
Directors, Company secretaries, corporate advisors, governance professionals and corporate professionals, entrepreneurs, lawyers.
Participants will get have an overall understanding of their respective roles, responsibilities and liabilities as Directors and Company Secretaries relating to the law of meetings; meeting of members; members’ written resolutions of private company and the best practices in conducting meeting of members and passing of written resolution of members.
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