Preview & Introduction
Master Trainer: Adrian Yeo, Cindy Yew, Angie and Jess
Date of Live Webinar: Tuesday, 14 November 2017 from 08:30-14:00
We had a successful physical training on the topic Year 2018 Tax Planning Strategies for SMI / SME Companies & Bosses … Our session lasted for nearly 5 hours.
The BOSS AdrianYeo decided to open his Golden Mouth and share his wealth of knowledge & experience.
Training timestamp:
0:00:00 - 0:20:14 Introduction & Announcement by EvannaMiss8
0:20:14 - 1:12:54 Company Structures & Worldwide Tax Regime. Master Trainer: Adrian Yeo
1:12:54 - 2:10:00 Latest GST Development & Property Tax Planning for Business Owners . Master Trainer: Cindy Yew
2:10:00 - 2:55:00 Tax Planning for Business Owners. Master Trainer: Angie
2:55:00 - 3:58:00 Tax Planning for Companies. Master Trainer: Jess
3:58:00 - 4:!3:18 Q&A
Total Duration of our full training is 4 hours 13 mins 18 seconds