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(English) Effective Debt Recovery and Legal Process by Dr. Steven Liew
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20191108 Effective Debt Recovery and Legal Process by Dr. Steven Liew - Beginner to Intermediate Level
Training Materials
Training Templates
Topic 01: Burning Issues of Debt Recovery (53:10)
Topic 02: Strategies to Reduce Debts (65:50)
Topic 03: Profiling Your Debtors (7:54)
Topic 04: How to Deal with Different Type of Difficult Customers (9:06)
Topic 05: Negotiation Techniques (22:25)
Topic 06: Improve Telephone Skill (5:58)
Topic 07: Assessing Your Risk Factors) (5:27)
Topic 08: Ways to Detect Danger Signs (3:09)
Topic 09: Understanding Declining Payment Patterns (66:15)
20191115 Effective Debt Recovery and Legal Process - Advanced Level
Let's Recap (42:25)
Topic 10: Credit Evaluation and Monitoring (84:29)
Topic 11: Evaluate Recovery Techniques (34:55)
Topic 12: Case Studies (58:09)
Topic 13: Measuring Fiscal-Fitness (14:08)
Topic 14: Credit Rating Agencies (2:21)
Topic 15: Qualities of an Effective Collector (2:31)
Topic 16: Bankruptcy Bill 2016 (3:54)
Topic 17: Evaluation, SOP and Credit Manpower (10:45)
Topic 18: Review SOP (1:32)
Topic 14: Credit Rating Agencies
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