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(English) PAID Support Group - Mah Li Chen (MAICSA Chartered Secretary)
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Step #02: Format of Posting Questions When Your are Inside Our Support Group
Virtual Meet of Members of Company Secretary WhatsApp Group
Preview of FIRST Virtual Meet of Members of Company Secretary WhatsApp Group (3:46)
Preview of SECOND Virtual Meet of Members of Company Secretary WhatsApp Group (3:14)
First Virtual Meet Attendees Testimonial (12:06)
Click here for Google Meet Links to ALL Virtual Meet
(Before Meet) 20200511 FIRST Virtual Meet (3:43)
(REPLAY) 20200511 FIRST Virtual Meet (149:30)
(REPLAY) 20200521 SECOND Virtual Meet (106:13)
Softwares or Mobile App for Company Secretaries
Live Transcribe for Meeting Minutes Transcribe
Monitor Employees Working From Home
Electronic Signature & Agreement Cloud
Case Law
M&A vs Shareholder Agreement, which prevail?
Knowledge Management & Retention in Online Support Whatsapp Group
20191001 Constitution Sample
20191001 Share Consolidation
20191007 Construction of CA 2016 in relation to Constitution
20191011 Companies (Amendment) Act 2019
20191015 Usage of New/Old Registration Number
20191017 Signing of Audit Report by Directors (Overseas)
20191022 Date of Transfer of Shares
20191024 Solvency Test for Dividend Claim
20191024 Share Value (section 78)
20191030 New Business Branch
20191105 Case Update: Passing of a Members’ Written Resolution under the Companies Act 2016 with “More than Half of Such Members”
20191105 Name in Audit Report after Conversion of Company (Bhd to Sdn Bhd)
20191106 Resigning as Company Secretary for a Ghosted Company
20191108 Removal of Director for Private Company
20191108 Pros and Cons of Having an Annual General Meeting
20191108 Transfer of Shares (Approval of Members)
20191111 Exemption of Audit
20191112 Disclosure of Amount of Indebtedness and Annual Return
20191112 Conversion of Company From Bhd to Sdn Bhd
20191113 Change in Shares Voting Rights
20191115 Guidelines for the Reporting Framework for Beneficial Ownership of Legal Persons
20191116 Change of Required Days of Notice for Special Resolutions
20191120 Exempt Private Certificate and Shareholders Agreements
20191122 Director turning into Managing Director - S201
20191122 Circular Resolutions
20191122 Process to hold a meeting
20191126 Distribution of profit - S131
20191204 Client didn't open bank account for resolution
2019-1206 Pledging clinet's personal property
20191209 Withdrawal of capital inject due to stuck off of company
20191217 Client Due Diligence Form for AMLA
20191217 Reinstate company
20191217 Additional shares
20191218 Resolution signed by 2/3 of directors
20191218 Trustee and nominee
20191218 Director's address in annual return
20191224 Transmission
20191224 Director's remuneration
20191226 Settlement agreement of debt
20191226 Director - bumiputera
20191227 Corporate representative
20191230 Replacement of director and breah of institution
20191231 Inserting SSM Practising Cert No.
20191231 Director imprisoned - can he sign a document?
20200102 Giving advances to another company
20200102 Grant of letter of administration
20200103 Co Sec register on SSM
20200103 Change of secretary
20200103 Foreign director & residential address
20200106 Transfer of share of deceased
20200107 Share valuation clause
20200107 Director gives different residential address
20200108 Use old M&A to apppoint director
20200109 Individual blacklist in SSM
20200109 Broken common seal
20200110 Appointment of co sec
20200110 Removal of director
20200113 Director's resignation
20200113 Fix of accounting date
20200113 Special notice & ordinary resolution
20200114 Audited financial statement
20200115 Director's age limit
20200115 Director resolution for One Person Company
20200115 EOT lodgement
20200117 Circulation of account after director passed away
20200120 Ordinary resolution / directir circular resolution
20200122 LLP and share
20200123 Keeping of statements
20200129 AFS
20200129 Audit format
20200130 Removal of director
20200201 Directors share email in Mycoid
20200201 Estate executor
20200201 Payment of directors remuneration
20200203 Removal of director - follow M&A or new Act
20200203 Special notice to call for EGM
20200205 Resignation of director
20200205 Change of financial year end
20200205 Resignation letter at registered office
20200206 Inserting Chinese company name
20200206 Notice of meeting via email
20200207 Quoting of section number in notice to member
20200208 S322 explained
20200208 Date for special notice
20200210 Co sec preparing reso for bank account
20200210 Certified bank resolution
20200210 Declaration of the lost of share certificate
20200211 Shareholder unable to pay
20200213 Preference share
20200213 Percentage of preference share
20200213 Notice by electronic means / post
20200213 Incorporation of terms into constitution
20200218 Reappointment
20200218 Notice for director meeting
20200219 Lapse date
20200220 Quorom
20200221 Change of company name
20200221 Striking off of company - failure to transfer share
20200221 Striking off of company
20200222 Court case sharing - Trust Agreement
20200224 Para 3
20200225 PC number / MAISCA number
20200225 AMLA format
20200226 Financial controller & Co sec
20200226 Deceased director
20200226 Lodging ROM
20200227 File change to SSM if directors blacklisted
20200227 S66 - common seal
20200227 Appointing and removing of secretary
20200228 Removing existing secretary
20200228 Removing existing secretary - direct resolution
20200301 Change of address
20200302 AR 1
20200303 Putting names of executors in grant of probate
20200303 LLP and shares in Sdn Bhd
20200303 Foriegn company hold shares in Sdn Bhd
20200304 Need for translation of document
20200304 Issuing shares to another company
20200305 Lodging Annual Return
20200306 Declare Dividend
20200306 Single director and single shareholder
20200309 Beneficial Owner
20200309 Final Dividends
20200309 Company to purchase its own shares
20200309 Transfer form for transmission of shares
20200309 Documents of Incorporation for a China Company
20200310 Discount compound from SSM
20200310 Payment of Director Remuneration
20200310 Back date the Section 237(2) or to date current
20200311 Political Exposed Person
20200311 Dividend
20200311 Difference between Transfer and Transmission of shares
20200312 Subscription Agreement
20200312 Who can certify copy of the probate and last will?
20200313 Director passed away
20200313 Trust Deed between shareholders
20200315 New Allotment of Shares
20200316 Can company has only 1 shareholder?
20200316 Tax Clearance Letter
20200316 Amendment of s66
20200317 Re-submission of form 47
20200319 Qualified as a local director
20200320 Director gone missing
20200331 Explanation of s71
20200402 Co Sec has not got his SSM practicing certificate
20200407 How to check MyCoID has updated
20200408 Approval of Director's Fee
20200408 Majority or All Directors to sign
20200410 Notary Public
20200411 Application for Extension of Circulation
20200413 Retention of Independent Director
20200414 AGM postponed
20200414 Postpone vs Adjourn
20200415 Practicing Certificate Number
20200415 Moratorium
20200416 Adjournment of EGM
20200417 Financial Period
20200417 Change of FYE
20200417 Appointment of Directors for PLC and its subsi
20200417 Removal of Director
20200418 Banker Request for annual return
20200419 Beneficial Ownership
20200419 Witness for the signature of sole director
20200420 Nature of business
20200421 Quorum of Meeting
20200422 Circulate Members Resolution
20200423 EOT application
20200424 DCR
20200424 SSM should give auto approval for EOT due to MCO
20200424 Appointment of Directors during MCO
20200424 Next of Kin
20200424 DBKL License
20200425 Declare Dividend
20200426 Shareholder request to check account
20200426 To amend constitution
20200426 Director Fees
20200427 Amend the shareholder's particulars
20200427 Director's name not tally with SSM form
20200427 Resignation of Company Secretary
20200428 Trust as a member
20200428 Shares of deceased
20200428 Conversion of PC to EPC
20200428 Corporate Guarantor
20200428 Par Value
20200428 KYC
20200428 Director and Alternate Director
20200429 Property Right of Shares
20200430 Virtual Meeting during MCO
20200501 Resignation of director by notification letter
20200501 Transfer of Shares
20200502 Virtual Meeting
20200502 S85
20200503 AGM for PLC
20200504 Physical and Virtual Meeting
20200504 Resolution for Circulation Purpose
20200506 Crowdfunding
20200506 Can a plc pass a Directors' Resolution authorise its Co Sec to apply for EOT for its Group of companies
20200506 Do purchase of assets by Company need BOD resolution?
20200507 Removal of Director can passed by ordinary resolution? can passed
20200507 Ordinary Business Hour
20200508 Common Seal
20200508 Accounts be circulated during MCO
20200509 Missing Records
20200509 Purpose of AGM
20200510 Registered Office must be in Secretary Office?
20200511 Directors resigned in bad faith
20200511 Can the remaining director can effect the resignation as the co sec refused?
20200511 Will client be penalised for late submission of Annual Return
20200511 Resignation of director is effective without the approval of remaining directors
20200511 Premiums Shares become part of the company's share capital
20200511 Do members have to right to call for general meeting
20200512 Whom to decide general meeting by poll or vote
20200512 Can company appoint the previous auditor who has tender resignation?
20200513 Venue of the tele-conferencing Board meeting
20200513 Allotment of share is unconditional or subject to condition
20200514 Email Application for EOT
20200515 Can co sec be reappointed?
20200515 Change of Nature Business
20200516 Change of Company Financial Year End
20200518 Directors don't want to sign Members' Convene Meeting
20200518 CoSec/Despacth name in Borang Temujanji
20200518 Shareholders do not have email address
20200518 Preference Shareholders
20200519 To state practicing number
20200519 To appoint proxy
20200519 Late date submission of AFS to SSM
20200519 Company dissolved by SSM
20200520 Name of existing CoSec or First CoSec appoint upon incorporation
20200520 Share Certificate
20200522 CoSec role in S17A MACC Act
20200522 Unaudited Accounts
20200526 Retain Control
20200526 Transfer of Shares
20200527 Directors refuse to approve duly stamped Transfer Form
20200527 Change of Company Name before strike off
20200527 Client under liquidation
20200527 No dead certificate/No next-of-kin
20200527 Do preference shareholders have right to request AFS?
20200528 Must CoSec attend meeting of removal of director?
20200528 Nominee Directors
20200528 Discussion regarding virtual meeting
20200529 To adopt new constitution without general meeting
20200529 Transmission of shares
20200529 Can a Sdn Bhd be the beneficiary in the Will?
20200529 To notify SSM for any change of business address and nature of business
20200529 Date to include in ROM after ROA approved by SSM
20200602 How to lodge to SSM if the preference share is agreed to be paid quarterly?
20200602 Can dividend paid by installments?
20200602 Is it allowed to cancel the transfer of shares after it has updated to MyCoid
20200602 CTC on company profile
20200603 Can a Managing Director also have to be a director under the new act?
20200603 How to do for allotment of share capitalise by property?
20200603 Conversion of a Sdn Bhd to Bhd
20200603 Removal of director
20200605 Is it necessary to collect all signatures from directors?
20200605 Annual return to be certified 1 page or every page
20200605 Is the Board allowed to set their own timeline?
20200611 What to do if a member objected the AFS
20200611 Can priavte co held virtual meeting under S327 without amending constitution
20200611 Directors still subject to rotation
20200611 Additional RCPS
20200611 Company pay dividend by way of contra
20200612 Procedure and pitfalls about setting up CLBG
20200612 What to do if the board intend to lodge new constitution
20200612 Resignation of director
20200612 Public non-listed Company vs private limited co.
20200612 Payment to director
20200613 a norm for a company to acquire shares of another company from individual shareholders
20200615 Notice
20200615 Dividend
20200615 Petition to wind up
20200615 Company Number
20200615 Company make loan to director
20200616 Mode of Communication
20200616 Pre-emption on transfer of shares
20200616 Ways to waive pre-emption right
20200616 Rights of alternate director
20200616 Notice period to call for board meeting
20200617 How to adopt new constitution
20200617 Date of new constitution
20200617 Date of adoption
20200617 Share transfer for share swap purpose
20200617 Change of Auditors
20200617 Usage of common seal
20200618 Rights for members
20200618 Removal of directors in wholly owned subsidiary
20200619 Can new auditors be appointed by immediate effect?
20200619 Directors allot shares proportionately vs not proportionately
20200619 Board reso under S267(3)(b)
20200620 Can company name in dual language?
20200622 Change of Company Name
20200622 Amount due from directors
20200622 Revoke a director or member resolution that has been passed
20200623 Venue of meeting and attendance list
20200624 Resignation of secretary
20200624 Registration of non-profit organisation
20200624 Shareholders approval before entering into JV
Q&A Compilation
Q&A Preference Shares (32-pages)
Q&A Beneficial Ownership (42-pages)
Q&A Compilation of Online Support Group for Company Secretaries since Year 2020
SSM Practice Directive 1/2017 (31 Jan 2017 vs 1 Oct 2024)
Introduction Video (0:48)
Quiz : SSM Practice Directive No. 1/2017 (31 Jan 2017 vs 1 Oct 2024)
(13-pages) Table of Comparison : SSM Practice Directive 12017 (31 Jan 2017 vs 1 Oct 2024
20200424 Next of Kin
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