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(English) Online Workshop: Drafting Constitution of PLCs to meet requirements of BURSA Malaysia & Companies Act 2016 by Mah Li Chen (MAICSA Chartered Secretary)
Part 1 - Introduction & Kick Start
Introduction (6:47)
Training Content
Part 2 - Drafting Constitution for PLC Online Workshop
Introduction, Preview & Chatlog (3:38)
Training Materials
Part 3 - Drafting Constitution for PLC Online Workshop
Introduction & Preview (3:36)
Part 4 - Drafting Constitution for PLC Online Workshop
Introduction & Preview (2:50)
Part 5 - Drafting Constitution for PLC Online Workshop
Introduction (2:45)
Constitution Bhd Complete.pdf download
Video Training Based on Headings
CONSTITUTION (Clause #001 - #007) (16:39)
Share Capital and Variation of Rights (Clause #008 - #020) (14:55)
Transfer of Shares (Clause #021 - #026) (4:22)
Transmission of Shares (Clause #027 - #032) (4:08)
Alteration of Capital (Clause #033) (0:58)
Calls on Shares (Clause #034-#040) (4:03)
Forfeiture of Shares (Clause #041-#048) (0:34)
Lien (Clause #049-#053) (0:45)
Untraced Members and Unclaimed Moneys (Clause #054-#055) (1:00)
Meeting of Members (Clause #056 - #059) (5:50)
Proceedings at Meeting of Members (Clause #060 - #077) (22:50)
Cancellation or Postponement of Meeting of Members (Clause #078 - #085) (9:21)
Security and Other Arrangements at Meetings (Clause #086 - #087) (2:28)
Proxies (Clause #089 - #091) (4:46)
Directors: Appointment, etc. (Clause #092 - #104) (7:35)
Powers and Duties of Directors (Clause #104-#108) (2:13)
Proceedings of Directors (#109 - #123) (8:51)
Committees of the Board (Clause #124 - #126) (2:03)
Managing Director (Clause #127 - #130) (2:51)
Associate Director (Clause #131 - #132) (1:12)
Secretary (Clause #133 - #135) (1:45)
Seal (Clause #136 - #138) (1:42)
Dividends and Reserves (Clause #139 - #147) (8:43)
Accounts (Clause #148 - #152) (1:38)
Capitalisation of Profits (Clause #153 - #154) (1:37)
Overseas branch registers (Clause #155) (0:19)
Delivering notice and other documents to members (Clause #156 - #165) (12:03)
Delivering notices and other documents to the Company (Clause #166 - #171) (1:58)
Members with Foreign Addresses or on Branch Registers (Clause #172 - #173) (0:57)
Indemnity and Insurance (Clause #174) (0:27)
Information on Shareholding (Clause #175) (0:51)
Share Buy Back (Clause #176) (0:42)
Allotment of Securities (Clause #177) (0:16)
Winding Up (Clause #178 - #180) (0:18)
Authentication of Documents Sent by Electronic Means (Clause #181) (0:50)
Effect of the Listing Requirements (Clause #182) (2:44)
Untraced Members and Unclaimed Moneys (Clause #054-#055)
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